Children 3 yrs - 6th Grade
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our Purpose
The purpose of Bridge Kids Rockin’ BK Ranch comes from the truths modeled by Jesus in Luke 2:52
"...and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man."
"...and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man."
I need to make the wise choice:
To trust and follow Jesus
To spend time getting to know God
To do whatever God says
To discover God’s unique plan for my life
To trust and follow Jesus
To spend time getting to know God
To do whatever God says
To discover God’s unique plan for my life
I can trust God no matter what:
Because He is my Creator
He is my Father
He is my Guide
He is my Savior
Because He is my Creator
He is my Father
He is my Guide
He is my Savior
I should treat others the way I want to be treated:
I will show God’s love to those around me
Care enough to put others before me
Respect whoever God puts over me
Be the right friend to those beside me
I will show God’s love to those around me
Care enough to put others before me
Respect whoever God puts over me
Be the right friend to those beside me
Our Strategy
The Rockin’ BK Ranch uses the Orange Strategy which is designed to encourage discovery and
to invite your children into a new understanding of how to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
It is based on the idea that there are two influences in a child's life which,
in combination, can have one great impact.
Each month we will study a different “Life App”… A practical application of God’s truth
As parents you can connect with what we are doing and continue to learn together with your
child throughout the week by going to: www.theparentcue.org
The Rockin’ BK Ranch uses the Orange Strategy which is designed to encourage discovery and
to invite your children into a new understanding of how to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
It is based on the idea that there are two influences in a child's life which,
in combination, can have one great impact.
Each month we will study a different “Life App”… A practical application of God’s truth
As parents you can connect with what we are doing and continue to learn together with your
child throughout the week by going to: www.theparentcue.org